Spring is rapidly drawing to a close. We have passed our final frost (possible) date last weekend having gotten a two week head start on the season by gambling that we wouldn't get a hard late frost and we didn't! We did get down to 36 degrees a few weeks ago and bit of frost settled here and there but it didn't do any noticeable damage. The garden is coming along and I am aggressively working to keep the weeds under control. I am only planting when I have mulch or weed free soil to plant into and so far so good. The other parts of the garden I am waiting to plant, get covered with traps to smother any weed starts.

We have many new additions in the past couple of months. which I will post about separately, but in total we have 7 new pigs and 17 new bantam chickens. It's been a really busy season with helping at the church, the kids and Mike going on a mission trip to Philadelphia, and Tessa's graduation approaching this weekend. I have lots of short videos from this past spring and winter, we'll see if I can get any of them uploaded ;)